Fans: LED Failure
If you experiencing issues with the LEDs on your CORSAIR fans, don’t worry, our support team is here to help you troubleshoot and resolve your lighting problems efficiently. Below are some steps to identify LED failure and or troubleshoot related issues.
Types of LED Failure
If your CORSAIR fans has symptoms like the above, it will be best to contact support by submitting your ticket here.
If you have symptoms of discoloration and want to troubleshoot before contacting support you can go through some basic troubleshooting steps:
Check the Connections: Ensure that all the Fan RGB cables are connected to the slot of the RGB hub or controller. Sometimes a faulty Hub can cause issues with LEDs displaying properly.
Our fans, when connected to our controllers, operate in sequence. This means a single faulty fan, depending on where it is connected, can cause other fans to experience similar issues. For example, if a fan connected to slot 1 is faulty, it has the potential to cause every fan connected further down the line (2-6) to appear faulty as well.
In order to determine how many fans are genuinely faulty(if any), test each and every fan in slot one. Please be sure that your computer is powered completely off when adjusting connections. Failure to do so can cause further damage to your fans and controllers. If NONE of your fans appear to be faulty during testing, the issue may be a result of a faulty port on your controller.
Contact Support
Serial Number: Locate the serial number of your product; it’s usually on the fan hub or the fans themselves.
Support Portal: Visit the CORSAIR Support Portal here
Create a Ticket: Fill in the required information. Attach any relevant documents, photos, or videos. Clearly state that you’re seeking assistance with the LED issues on your CORSAIR fans.
After submitting your ticket:
Ticket Confirmation: You should receive a confirmation email with a ticket number. Keep this number as you will need it for any follow-up correspondence.
A CORSAIR support agent will get in touch with you. They may provide instructions for a warranty claim if necessary.
Warranty Claim: If a warranty claim is initiated, follow all instructions provided by the support agent. This may involve sending in the defective product.
Remember, our customer support team is committed to providing you with the assistance you need to enjoy your CORSAIR products. Don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help!