Shipping: What happens if a package is undeliverable?
When a package is returned to Corsair as undeliverable, we will issue you a full refund. Shipping charges are included in this refund, except for some handling charges. The carrier will generally notify you if your delivery qualifies as undeliverable and what your next steps will be.
Reasons why a package might be undeliverable include but are not limited to:
The address provided is incorrect or outdated. A package is usually stored for a period of time that varies depending on the courier holding onto it, and then the package is returned to us. Double-check the address when placing your order to avoid this issue.
- For more information on adding and managing addresses in your Corsair address book, see our Add and manage addresses to your Corsair address book article.
- Our system doesn't recognize the way an address was entered, or the package was assigned to a carrier that can't deliver to that address.
- The shipping address is a restricted address that includes restrictions that complicate delivery (e.g. the address of a correctional facility, military addresses, etc. Find a full list of restricted addresses here in our What Addresses can Corsair ship to? article.
- The carrier made several attempts to deliver the package, but could not successfully do so.
- The recipient refused the delivery; this sometimes happens when the delivery is a gift but the recipient was not aware of it and thought the delivery was a mistake.
- The package was damaged in transit, and the carrier returned it to us instead of completing the delivery. Label damage or package damaged beyond delivery means are a few reasons this could show.
We are not able to re-ship orders that were returned to us as undeliverable. If you still want the items in the undeliverable order, you can place a new order on our website.
If the carrier has contacted you with any of the above issues, then please contact us at our help page and our Customer Service associates will work with you on the next steps.